URS Poster Session


Friday, April 24, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:30pm


CGIS Knafel 3rd Floor Atrium (Outside of K354)
IQSS will host the second annual URS poster session, featuring several faculty and undergraduate projects sponsored by the URS Program and presented by participants in the IQSS Undergraduate Research Scholars program. Food will be served; all are invited to attend. Projects to be presented: “Why People Migrate: The Diverse Mechanisms of Mexico-U.S. Migration” (Prof. Filiz Garip and William Keith, Sociology) “Unanticipated Consequences of Telling People What They Want to Know” (Prof. Daniel Gilbert, Gus Cooney and Ava Zhang, Psychology) “The Role of Accountability in Decision-Science Research” (Charlotte D’Acierno, Paul Meosky, and Prof. Jennifer Lerner, HKS) “Heritage Speaker Narratives: Building Linguistic Corpora with Speech Elicitation” (Kenneth Mai and Prof. Maria Polinksy, Linguistics) “Can Stress Explain Individual Differences in Willingness to Compete?” (Profs Thomas Buser, Anna Dreber, Johanna Möllerström, presented by Lucy Guo, Rosa Huang and Claire Tan, Decision Science Lab) “‘Economic Decision Making!’: The Effects of Deception on Trust in Psychological and Economics Experiments” (Prof Max Krasnow, presented by Sierra Fan, Carolyn Killea, and David Herman, Decision Science Lab) “Analyzing Twitter Data as a Means for Predicting Senatorial Voting Patterns” (Abigail Orlando, Mark Thornton and Prof. Jason Mitchell, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab) “Exploring and Mapping Social Knowledge" (Prof. Jason Mitchell and Mark Thornton,Web Demo by Enrique Meneses, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab) “Advocacy Mindset: Arguing Boosts Confidence in Everything” (Prof. Julia Minson (HKS), Frances Chen and Sam Skowronek, presented by Nga Nguy) “Age Study Among Chinese Officers in 10-13th Century” and “Does a First Child Have More Chances to Pass the Civil Service Examination in 14-17th Century China?” (Presentations by Haiyue Zhang, Gecheng Zhang, Ziyu Ma, Weichu Wang and Zhengyu Wang, Prof. Bol’s China Biographical Database Project) “Documenting State Presence along Transnational Border Crossings” (Prof. Beth Simmons, Jeff Blossom, and Tom O’Connell, Presented by Nick Rossenblum, Dina Perez, Ed Magema, and Hanel Baveja, Government)