Workshop in Applied Statistics (Gov 3009)


Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 12:00pm to 1:30pm


CGIS Knafel, room K354 or Online via Zoom

This Week's Speaker

Melissa Dell (Dept of Economics) “Efficient OCR for Building a Diverse Digital History"


Thousands of users consult digital archives daily, but the information they can access is unrepresentative of the diversity of documentary history. The sequence-to-sequence architecture typically used for optical character recognition (OCR) – which jointly learns a vision and language model - is poorly extensible to low-resource document collections, as learning a language-vision model requires extensive labeled sequences and compute. This study models OCR as a character level image retrieval problem, using a contrastively trained vision encoder. Because the model only learns characters’ visual features, it is more sample efficient and extensible than existing architectures, enabling accurate OCR in settings where existing solutions fail. Crucially, the model opens new avenues for community engagement in making digital history more representative of documentary history. Beyond OCR, the presentation will also discuss how large differences in sample efficiency across different neural network architectures influence the types of learning that are often most suited towards academic applications, particular for low resource settings.


The Applied Statistics Workshop (Gov 3009) meets all academic year, Wednesdays, 12pm-1:30pm, in CGIS K354. This workshop is a forum for advanced graduate students, faculty, and visiting scholars to present and discuss methodological or empirical work in progress in an interdisciplinary setting. The workshop features a tour of Harvard's statistical innovations and applications with weekly stops in different fields and disciplines and includes occasional presentations by invited speakers.

More information is available at the Gov 3009 website:

All interested Harvard affiliates are invited to attend.