Jorge Cuartas Ricaurte

Jorge Cuartas Ricaurte

PhD Candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Jorge Cuartas
Jorge Cuartas Ricaurte is a Ph.D. student and research assistant at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His research focuses on the analysis of human development and parenting in contexts of adversity (i.e., violence and poverty), the consequences of physical punishment on children's developmental trajectories, and the effects that policies and programs may have on children's development and family dynamics, mainly in low- and- middle-income countries. Jorge is also co-founder and co-director of Apapacho (a word that means "to hug the soul" in Náhuatl), a civil society network that aims to contribute to Colombia’s peacebuilding by preventing the use of violence at home while fostering positive parental practices. He holds an M.Sc. degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and a B.Sc. in Economics from Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogotá, Colombia). 

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