Seth Soderborg

Seth Soderborg

PhD Candidate in Government, GSAS
Seth Soderborg

I am a PhD student in government with research in the world's third- and fourth-largest democracies—Indonesia and Brazil. The goal of my research is to understand how developing country governments conduct public administration under hard research constraints, identify consistent biases in the procedures used to collect government data in these countries, and, separately, to build comprehensive databases of historical election results. With Daniel Ziblatt, I have worked on using local election data from 1930s Germany to study party politics. With Horacio Larreguy and Stephen Ansolabehere advising, I have run my own work on collecting precinct-level election data from printed archives, carrying out election forensics analysis of those results to study election fraud, and making data available in usable forms for researchers and the public in Brazil and Indonesia.

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