Ismail Erkam Sula

Ismail Erkam Sula

Post-Doctoral Researcher, IQSS
Assistant Professor of International Relations, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Ismail Erkam Sula
Dr. Sula specializes in the study of foreign policy and research methodology in social sciences. He is currently working on the application of computer assisted methods in data collection. His research combines event data analysis with content analysis to observe the parallelism of words and deeds in foreign policy. As part of his PhD research at Bilkent University, Erkam collected data about Turkey's foreign policy words and deeds. As a result of this data collection process he developed the Turkish Foreign Policy Roles and Events Dataset (TFPRED) which contains data gathered from Turkish leaders' speeches and 36.000 International news reports. He has previously published on Role Theory, Event Data, Middle East, Turkish foreign policy and eclectic methodology in foreign policy analysis.  Dr. Sula is a faculty member at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Faculty of Political Science. He is also a member of International Studies Association (ISA), American Political Science Association (APSA), and European International Studies Association (EISA).

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