Thierry Warin

Thierry Warin

Visiting Scholar, Digital Data Design (D^3) Institute
Thierry Warin

A Visiting Scholar at the Digital Data Design (D^3) Institute, Thierry Warin is an academic whose professional pursuits are deeply rooted in the application of data science methodologies to explore global transformations, including phenomena such as the platform economy and the dynamics of innovation. His research is characterized by the examination of institutions, economic dynamics, and the utilization of unstructured data to uncover insights into these complex areas. 
Warin places a high value on democratizing access to the burgeoning field of data science, viewing it as a pivotal step toward collaboratively addressing global challenges. His approach to research is fundamentally inductive, prioritizing a bottom-up methodology that is deeply rooted in data. This perspective not only enriches empirical understanding across various domains but also serves as a robust framework for testing, refining, and potentially redefining theoretical constructs and traditional economic indicators.