
2020 Nov 06

Python Natural Language Processing

1:00pm to 4:00pm


Online: Zoom

This hands-on workshop will introduce foundational concepts in natural language processing (NLP) as well as techniques for analyzing text (natural language) data using Python's Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) library. We will work through an entire basic NLP workflow covering acquiring text corpora from the web, text pre-processing, summary statistics and visualization, and building generative models. 

This workshop will be delivered by the HBS Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Data Science Services group at IQSS.

Visit the Harvard Training Portal for details and registration information (requires HarvardKey).

2020 Oct 30

Python Web-Scraping (flipped classroom)

1:00pm to 2:30pm


Online: Zoom

This hands-on workshop will introduce basic techniques for web-scraping using popular Python libraries. This is an intermediate-level, and somewhat challenging, workshop appropriate for those who have been using Python for at least a few months. You should be familar with all of the material in the Python Introduction workshop and have used these skills in your own projects to the point where you are comfortable with them.

PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is being delivered in a FLIPPED CLASSROOM format. This means that participants will be responsible for working through the online materials at their own pace IN ADVANCE of the scheduled meeting time. During the scheduled meeting time, the instructor will demonstrate how to complete the example exercises and will be available to answer questions related to the workshop materials. The instructor WILL NOT walk through all the online materials during the scheduled meeting.

This workshop will be delivered by the HBS Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Data Science Services group at IQSS.

Setup instructions and materials:
Class website:

Visit the Harvard Training Portal for details and registration information (requires HarvardKey).

2020 Oct 23

Python Introduction

1:00pm to 4:00pm


Online: Zoom

This hands-on workshop introduces the basic elements of Python by working through an example of how to analyze text data. Python is a general purpose programming language commonly used for data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and other applications. Note that the focus of the workshop is on how to use Python rather than why you might want to use Python over other software. This workshop is appropriate for those with little or no prior experience with Python.

This workshop will be delivered by the HBS Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Data Science Services group at IQSS.

Setup instructions and materials:
Class website:

Visit the Harvard Training Portal for details and registration information (requires HarvardKey).

2020 Apr 16

Tidying Data with Python and OpenRefine

1:00pm to 3:30pm




In his paper "Tidy Data," Hadley Wickham riffs on Tolstoy: "Like families, tidy datasets are all alike but every messy dataset is messy in its own way." When we spend 75% of our "analysis" time cleaning and preprocessing data, it makes sense to focus on strategies to standardize our data. In this workshop, we will focus on correcting common errors in collected data and (re)structuring datasets to facilitate analysis... Read more about Tidying Data with Python and OpenRefine

2020 Apr 03

Python Web-Scraping

9:30am to 12:30pm


Zoom - see below

This workshop will meet virtually via Zoom. A link will be distributed via email before the workshop.

This hands-on workshop will introduce basic techniques for web-scraping using popular Python libraries... Read more about Python Web-Scraping

2020 Mar 27

Python Introduction (Allston)

1:30pm to 4:30pm


Zoom - see below

This workshop will meet virtually via Zoom. A link will be distributed via email before the workshop.

This hands-on workshop introduces the basic elements of Python by working through an example of how to analyze text data. Python is a general purpose programming language commonly used for data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and other applications... Read more about Python Introduction (Allston)

2020 Mar 27

Python Introduction

9:30am to 12:30pm


Zoom - see below

This workshop will meet virtually via Zoom. A link will be distributed via email before the workshop.

This hands-on workshop introduces the basic elements of Python by working through an example of how to analyze text data. Python is a general purpose programming language commonly used for data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and other applications... Read more about Python Introduction

2019 Nov 07

Using Web APIs with Python (DSS Workshop)

1:00pm to 5:00pm



This hands-on workshop will help participants integrate RESTful APIs into their data processing workflows. We'll look at how to query the Harvard Art Museums API to get metadata about the most popular images in their collections and exhibits, use the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Image API to manipulate the image files, and use the Omeka API to push information into our own collection of digital objects.

Visit ...

Read more about Using Web APIs with Python (DSS Workshop)
2019 Sep 20

Introduction to Web-Scraping with Python (DSS Workshop)

9:30am to 12:30pm


K018, CGIS Knafel

Web scraping is a method of extracting and restructuring information from web pages. This workshop will introduce basic techniques for web scraping using the popular Python libraries. Participants will practice accessing websites, parsing information, and storing data in a CSV file. This workshop is intended for social scientists who are new to web scraping, but have some familiarity with Python or have attended the Introduction to Python workshop.

Visit for details and to register (...

Read more about Introduction to Web-Scraping with Python (DSS Workshop)
2019 Sep 13

Introduction to Python (session 2) (DSS Workshop)

1:30pm to 4:30pm


K018, CGIS Knafel building, concourse level


This hands-on workshop introduces the basic elements of Python, a general purpose programming language commonly used for data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and other applications.

Visit for details and registration information (requires HarvardKey).


2018 Mar 09

Introduction to Python

9:30am to 12:30pm


CGIS Knafel K018
This workshop introduces the basic elements of Python, a general purpose programming language commonly used for data cleaning, analysis, visualization, and other applications. Participants will learn how to use the language as well as how to set up a development environment for Python on their personal computer. This workshop is intended for social scientists who are new to programming. No experience is required. Workshop Preparation Computers with Python pre-loaded are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you will use your own laptop, please install the Anaconda distribution of... Read more about Introduction to Python
2017 Oct 13

Introduction to Using APIs with Python

1:00pm to 3:30pm


CGIS Knafel K018
An application programming interface (API) is a tool that allows computers to communicate and share information. For social scientists, APIs can be useful for accessing data or services from firms, organizations, or government agencies. This workshop will introduce the use of APIs to obtain data from sources such as Survey Monkey, Twitter, or This workshop is intended for social scientists who are new to working with APIs, but have some familiarity with Python or have attended the Introduction to Python workshop. Workshop Preparation Computers with Python pre-loaded are available on... Read more about Introduction to Using APIs with Python
