New R Package {clarify}: Software for Interpreting and Presenting Statistical Results

January 27, 2023
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Data Science Services at IQSS has released a new R package {clarify} to provide functionality previously provided by the {Zelig} package.

{clarify} uses simulation to make interpretable inferences about any quantity of interest from a wide variety of statistical models.  This package restores and adds to functionality previously provided by the {Zelig} package for R and the Clarify package for Stata. {clarify} supports many model classes from a variety of other R packages and also offers straightforward methods for computing interpretable quantities from models fit to multiply imputed data. In addition to average marginal effects, average marginal means, and predictions at representative values,  and a variety of others, users can supply their own interpretable quantities to estimate.

See the {clarify} website for details on installing and using the package and for translating analyses that use {Zelig} into ones that use {clarify}.

IQSS' Data Science Services (DSS) assists members of the Harvard community to overcome obstacles at every stage of the research process. Visit the DSS page for more information on consultation services, tutorial material, and more.