
LaTeX Applications: A Beginner’s Guide

Created specifically for Gary King’s GOV 2020 class, this guide walks students through their recommended options for editing LaTeX code. Included is a comparison of Overleaf, VSCode, and Emacs, as well as recommendations for tools such as GitHub and Copilot.

Overleaf: A Beginner’s Guide

Created specifically for Gary King’s GOV 2020 class, this guide walks students through Overleaf, an online application for editing LaTeX code. Included are steps for signing up, editing documents, and collaboration.

Visual Studio Code: A Beginner’s Guide

Created specifically for Gary King’s GOV 2020 class, this guide walks students through VSCode, a desktop application for editing code. Included are steps for installation, as well as importing our recommended settings, keybindings, and shortcuts.

Emacs: A Beginner’s Guide

Created specifically for Gary King’s GOV 2020 class, this guide walks students through Emacs, a desktop application for editing LaTeX code. Included are steps for installation, importing our configuration, and a walkthrough of common functions used for the app.

Rbuild: create your own packages in R

Organize and share your code by creating your own packages in the R language. Here, we highlight best practices for package development and version control, as well as providing an introduction to using RStudio for creating packages.

Propensity Score Analysis: A Primer and Tutorial

Propensity score analysis is a popular method of adjusting for confounding in observational studies, i.e., studies where patients are not randomly assigned into treatment groups. Despite its popularity in applied research, there are many nuances to the method that are often missed by researchers, including about the assumptions required, the quantities that can be estimated, and the correct procedures for performing and reporting an analysis. The goal of this guide is to summarize best practices in propensity score analysis for medical and social science researchers, highlighting the decisions researchers must make to validly perform and interpret an analysis.

Web-scraping with Selenium Python

Scrape any website using the powerful Selenium Python package. Here, we provide a short guide to scraping both static and dynamic websites, which includes setting up Selenium Python and examples of using it to scrape various types of website.

RCE: quick-start guide

The IQSS Research Computing Environment (RCE) is a powerful computer cluster that you can use for computations that are too large to be conveniently done on a personal computer. Here, we provide a short guide to running computational jobs on the RCE both interactively and programmatically.