Virus Protection FAQ

Below are answers to some of the most common questions users have about virus protection. If you have a question about virus protection that is not answered below, feel free to contact us.

Why are my Crowd Strike Antivirus updates failing on my work computer?

Start by checking your network connection. Attempt to update the virus definitions manually by opening the applications and intiating the update. If it fails you may need to reinstall Crowd Strike. For instructions on installing Crowd Strike Antivirus software please contact us.

What should I do if I suspect my computer is infected?

If you suspect your computer is infected, first (if possible) take your computer off the network by unplugging the network connection. This prevents viruses from further infecting your machine, as well as prevents the infection on your computer from spreading to other computers. Next, run a scan of whatever antivirus software you use. If after the scan your computer still appears to be infected, call our support number to contact us.

What should I do if an infection is found?

Crowd Strike will automatically take the necssary steps to secure your work machine. If for some reason the infection cannot be mitigated, Crowd Strike will alert you to the issue. Please contact us with any questions.

Can I run two virus scan software apps?

We do not recommend running two different virus scan software applications concurrently. Often two different applications will each install their own automatic file scan utility, which can cause the applications to fight for the same resources, or even flag each other as malware.