Mapping (Connecting To) a Departmental Network Drive

Windows 10:

1) Click on the folder on the bottom bar

2) Click This PC

3) Click on the Computer tab

4) Click Map Network Drive

5) Enter the path to your department share. This may be on Dss10 or fas-depts

For example, \\\cgis\your_department_name or \\\cgis\your_department

6) Check both boxes that say Reconnect at login and Connect using different credentials

7) Click Finish, and when prompted enter your username as shown below:


And your Harvard Key password



1) In the Finder, Click the Go menu, and select connect to server

2) Enter smb:// or smb://

3) When asked, enter you Harvard username and Harvard Key password


Please note:

If you are off site or using the Harvard Wireless networks, you will need to use Cisco VPN to connect to before attempting to map a shared drive. For assistance with using the VPN please contact us.